Maker/Checker Workflow and Transaction Control Enhancements

This feature introduces a mandatory review process to ensure that no single user can independently initiate, approve, or complete significant transactions or changes. Workflow and Approval Levels: Importance of Maker checker1. Enhanced Transactional Control.2. Improved Accuracy and Oversight.3. Clear Role Definition and Accountability.4. Strengthened Compliance and Audit Trails. Steps to set maker checker for teller…

USSD User PIN Creation and Reset with OTP Verification

This feature update introduces enhanced security and accessibility for USSD services by allowing users to create or reset their PINs. Here’s a summary of the key aspects: These updates significantly enhance the overall security of USSD access while providing a more accessible and streamlined process for users. To create or reset the PIN, the user…

Quick Loans Product

This feature allows eligible members to apply for and receive loans instantly, providing fast and convenient access to funds. The admin can amend an existing loan policy to a quick loan or set up an entirely new loan with a chosen name. Popular names are Mobile loan, Instant loan, Chap chap among others. The convenience…

Maker checker on Member Details Change

The “Maker Checker” is responsible for creating and initiating data capture or editing, while the “checker” is responsible for verifying and approving these transactions. This separation ensures that at least two individuals are involved in updating member details. This ensures that security and accuracy are enhanced; a new approval workflow has been introduced, and the steps…

Mpesa Integration with WBA for Top-Up via STK Push

Integration of Mpesa with our Wakandi Business Account (WBA) platform is now complete. This enables financial institutions admins to top up their WBA using the STK push feature easily. This integration simplifies the process, making it more convenient and efficient to manage your account. Key Features: Follow the below steps to top up WBA successfully…