Maker checker on Member Details Change

The “Maker Checker” is responsible for creating and initiating data capture or editing, while the “checker” is responsible for verifying and approving these transactions. This separation ensures that at least two individuals are involved in updating member details. This ensures that security and accuracy are enhanced; a new approval workflow has been introduced, and the steps…

Configuration of Holidays and Working Days!

The Holiday Management feature provides financial institutions with the flexibility to manage interest collection during holidays and working days. Institutions can adjust interest rates on holidays, either applying standard rates or waiving them entirely. Additionally, this feature allows them to configure working days by excluding weekends or other non-working days, ensuring alignment with operational policies….

Dashboard Update

The dashboard is back and better than ever, providing a detailed breakdown of key reports in an easy-to-understand graphical format. These reports deliver critical insights into platform activity, including: Metrics are displayed on a month-by-month basis, offering clear tracking and trend analysis over time. Key Enhancements: Steps to Customize the Dashboard Benefits of the Updated…

Importing Multiple Fixed Deposit (FD) Accounts for the Same Member

The system has been enhanced to allow the import of multiple Fixed Deposit (FD) accounts with the same product name for a single member, offering greater flexibility in managing FD accounts. Follow the steps below to execute the process: By following these steps, you can easily import multiple FD accounts for the same member, streamlining…