Maker checker on Member Details Change
The “Maker Checker” is responsible for creating and initiating data capture or editing, while the “checker” is responsible for verifying and approving these transactions. This separation ensures that at least two individuals are involved in updating member details.
This ensures that security and accuracy are enhanced; a new approval workflow has been introduced, and the steps are as below.
- Submission of Changes: Changes made by an admin or user will no longer be immediately committed to the database.
- Approval Required: Submitted changes will enter an “Un-approved” state.
- Approval Role: A designated user with the appropriate permission will review and approve the changes.
- Effectiveness of Changes: Changes will only be committed to the database and take effect after approval. If left “Un-approved,” member details remain unchanged.
Member Details Include (but not limited to):
- Member Name
- Mobile Number
- Email Address
- Next of Kin details
- Reference Number
- Membership Policy
Maker-Checker Email Notification
We have enhanced the maker-checker functionality to include an email notification system to review and approve changes.
Key Features:
- Email Notification: When a request to update member details is made, the assigned approver receives an email notification.
- Detailed Information: The email includes the previous member details and the new details for review.
- Approval Options: The approver has two options:
- Approve the Request: Commits the changes to the database.
- Reject the Request: Discards the changes and maintains the existing member details.
- To effect this, the admin must have the maker checker role

To edit the member details, search the client name on the client list, under client details select the item to be edited. In the below screen shot we edit the member’s phone number. Click on the edit button against the phone number. Type in the new phone number in the dialogue box. The new number will not update immediately, the request will be sent to the approving admin

Upon submitting the changes, the admin will get a pop message “Your request has been submitted for further approval”

The approving admin will get the request as shown below. Upon approval, the member details will then change